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Why teams fail to generate results in spite of good log sheets?
Why teams fail to generate results in spite of good log sheets?

Why teams fail to generate results in spite of good log sheets?

The process of getting result is simply the journey between Log sheets and Results. And often teams implement systems and processes to chart the daily running of equipment.

  • By ADMIN
  • December 31, 2018
  • Categories: Blog
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How to successfully Implement an Asset Management Application?
How to successfully Implement an Asset Management Application?

How to successfully Implement an Asset Management Application?

“Well begun is half done” is an old proverb which is true and applicable to most of the actions. However, this holds ineffective if we do not plan and create a road-map before we 'start’, because without proper road-map, a good start is next to impossible.

  • By ADMIN
  • December 29, 2018
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How an infra-asset application can positively impact different users within an organization?
How an infra-asset application can positively impact different users within an organization?

How an infra-asset application can positively impact different users within an organization?

Dealing with infra-assets, especially if they help you stay competent and profitable in your business, requires multi-level monitoring and maintenance. Being someone who has seen these capital intensive infra assets become dysfunctional and crash without much warnings, you would agree to the key need for a solution that can look after them every step of the way.

  • By ADMIN
  • November 1st, 2018
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Maximization of Infra asset potential with digitalization
Maximization of Infra asset potential with digitalization

Maximization of Infra asset potential with digitalization

In a scenario where numerous equipments form part of the daily operation within an organization, one must be well-aware of the complexities that accompany the process. The differences in asset/equipment types, their usage patterns, maintenance needs, production expectancy, and lifespan makes handling them a challenging task.

  • By ADMIN
  • August 7th, 2018
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How asset improvement cycle can reduce asset breakdowns
How asset improvement cycle can reduce asset breakdowns

How asset improvement cycle can reduce asset breakdowns

The challenging infra-asset intensive business environment today demands their assets to be free of any hiccups, especially asset breakdowns. A single incident of asset breakdown is capable of triggering a chain reaction:

  • By ADMIN
  • June 11th, 2018
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How data collection inefficiency can lead to irrational losses
Infra-Asset Management: How data collection inefficiency can lead to irrational losses?

Infra-Asset Management: How data collection inefficiency can lead to irrational losses?

Invariably, data integrity also known as data quality is the most crucial part of how a business functions and performs. Unless an organization optimizes its data accuracy or learns how to use the collected data to its benefit, the performance results will always be distorted from the actual expectations.

  • By ADMIN
  • May 29th, 2018
  • Categories: Blog
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One habit that can transform your asset performance
One habit that can transform your asset performance

One habit that can transform your asset performance

If you were asked to change just one habit to maximize your infra-asset output, what would it be?
Though the above measures can help your assets deliver better performance to a small extent,
play an insignificant role to create a large impact in stand-alone capacities.

  • By ADMIN
  • May 17th, 2018
  • Categories: Blog
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The best way to calculate fuel efficiency revealed
The best way to calculate fuel efficiency revealed

The best way to calculate fuel efficiency revealed

No. of kilometres run/ Litres of fuel consumed = Vehicle’s fuel efficiency.
Isn’t it? It is common sense. Then why are we even discussing this here?
To find out if my point is silly or not, let us take a simple test:-

  • By ADMIN
  • April 5th, 2018
  • Categories: Blog
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Best ways to escape unwanted asset maintenance cost; unfurled
Best ways to escape unwanted asset maintenance cost; unfurled

Best ways to escape unwanted asset maintenance cost; unfurled

Like you, every asset owner wants the mounting asset maintenance costs to decline. Worst of all, most of them have already tried an exhaustive set of methods. Each time they failed.

  • By ADMIN
  • February 20th, 2018
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5-in-1 Tool for Equipment Rental Companies !!
5-in-1 Tool for Equipment Rental Companies !!

5-in-1 Tool for Equipment Rental Companies !!

As a company that rents out assets, what is that one thing that impacts you the most?

  • By ADMIN
  • February 8th, 2018
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TappetBox-Blog-How can you cut down your infra-asset maintenance cost by 25%?
How can you cut down your infra-asset maintenance cost by 25%?

How can you cut down your infra-asset maintenance cost by 25%?

Maintaining infrastructure assets can be quite an expensive affair. So expensive that they may take a toll on the RoCE and reduce your profits significantly.

  • By ADMIN
  • December 11th, 2017
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TappetBox-Blog-Infra-asset downtime cost – Is it really measurable?
Infra-asset downtime cost – Is it really measurable?

Infra-asset downtime cost – Is it really measurable?

Machine breakdown is the most undesirable thing to happen to any infra-asset intensive organization. Expensive by far, most of us measure the downtime cost as a combination of the expenses involved in its repair and those paid to the asset operator.

  • By ADMIN
  • November 30th, 2017
  • Categories: Blog
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TappetBox-Blog-How Digitalization can push your assets towards accelerated growth
How Digitalization can push your assets towards accelerated growth

How Digitalization can push your assets towards accelerated growth

Harvard recently conducted a studyon 344 enterprises listed on the U.S exchange to measure the effects of digitization on business profits and growth. In the report it termed the organizations who embraced digital

  • By ADMIN
  • October 4th, 2017
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TappetBox-Blog-Let your asset place an indent for spares
Let your asset place an indent for spares

Let your asset place an indent for spares

How do you manage your infrastructure asset’s spare part inventory? Who tells you which spare part shall be required for which asset and when?

It is most likely that you as an asset owners/operator follow one of the below mentioned approach to manage your spare part inventory:-

  • By ADMIN
  • July 22th, 2017
  • Categories: Blog
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TappetBox-Blog-De-coding 3C’s – The benefits of TappetBox IAM solution
De-coding 3C’s – The benefits of TappetBox IAM solution

De-coding 3C’s – The benefits of TappetBox IAM solution

  1. 1. IAM Expert – “Hi, we have come up with an infra-asset solution for your machinery - a must-have for any asset intensive company. It can add immense value to your organization. Let me explain.”

Plant Manager- “I can manage my assets on my own. Why have you come to me with your infrastructure asset management solution today- what is so special about it?”

  • By ADMIN
  • June 22th, 2017
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TappetBox-Blog-Software or Spreadsheet - What works better for your Business Intelligence?
Software or Spreadsheet - What works better for your Business Intelligence?

Software or Spreadsheet - What works better for your Business Intelligence?

Software or Spreadsheet - What works better for your Business Intelligence?

How do most of you measure your infrastructure asset performance? You would be surprised to know that most asset owners, even ones handling multiple assets, largely rely on MS Excel, spreadsheets and other low-end tools to calculate and process crucial business data.

  • By ADMIN
  • June 13th, 2017
  • Categories: Blog
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TappetBox-Blog-save your equipment from fuel pilferages – cause and prevention
save your equipment from fuel pilferages – cause and prevention

save your equipment from fuel pilferages – cause and prevention

Machineries and their fuel consumption patterns can get quite unpredictable- more so if the machinery/asset is being operated by more than one person and maintained through manual record books. Being an infra-asset owner, you must have been exposed to several cycles of unexplained changes in fuel consumption by your asset.

  • By ADMIN
  • June 5th, 2017
  • Categories: Blog
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TappetBox-Blog-Breakdown ‘free equipments’
Breakdown ‘free equipments’

Breakdown ‘free equipments’

Infrastructure assets come with a shell life. However, there is no guarantee how long they would last before the first breakdown. It depends upon innumerable factors such as usage, handling, maintenance, operation, so on and so forth. Problem Areas Let us track down the top 3 causes for equipment breakdown and their underlying problems.

  • By ADMIN
  • February 7th, 2017
  • Categories: Blog
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