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The best way to calculate fuel efficiency revealed

Invariably, data integrity also known as data quality is the most crucial part of how a business functions and performs. Unless an organization optimizes its data accuracy or learns how to use the collected data to its benefit, the performance results will always be distorted from the actual expectations.

Data Integrity capsizes the Indian infra-asset industry

The same applies to the infra-asset industry, which is widely popular for its data collection and usage inefficiency:-

  • Data Accuracy - With most of the stakeholders in India still relying on spreadsheets and log books to record crucial infra-asset data points, the industry is far from accurate results. The correctness may lack on account of multiple factors that are dependent upon the precision, sincerity and memory of the user recording the data.
  • Data Usage – Raw data is hardly of any use. Data, once precisely collected, needs to be smartly processed and churned to deliver sensible reports for appropriate application and decision-making. However, with the limitations posed by the spreadsheets (which is alleviated by data inaccuracy), this is hardly possible for infra-asset owners.

Losses suffered on account of data-integrity issues
Since in most cases the infra-asset intensive companies compromise heavily on data collection and data usage, they suffer their share of losses. Here are a few of them:

  • Unnoticed fuel pilferages – As no one can manually track the actual fuel feed-in into a particular asset by a particular stakeholder on a particular day, fuel pilferage is an extremely common phenomena in the industry, directly culminating into losses.
  • Performance Inefficiency - Since data capturing is dependent on several independent factors which cannot be tracked only via a spreadsheet, it becomes easy to manipulate team efficiency through incorrect reporting of efforts taken and hours worked. A performance dip follows.
  • Deteriorating Infra- Asset Health - Lack of efficient data collection and usage give rise to the inability to identify the Non-Performing assets and understand the reason behind their lack-lustre performance. This might also lead to higher expense ratios and incompetent strategic decisions.

Why have Indian infra-asset companies not been able to find a way out?
Indian infra-asset industry is highly dependent on spreadsheets and its likes for data capturing and asset management. These techniques however are unworthy of deployment as a capable solution to the data integrity challenges. Listed below are the issues being faced by the industry today:-

  • Lack of custom-made tools – The Indian infra-asset marketplace follows its own processes and schedules and has its own set of challenges. Thus, the industry needs a specific tool that is tailor-made to suit its unique requirements.
  • Time-taking process – Data entry and report generation through spreadsheets is a time taking process. Since Indian employees are always hard-pressed on time, they need something quicker which can work as an on-the-go solution.
  • Complex Solution- As the Indian infra-asset industry scenario involves a mix of educated and uneducated employees with different functional capabilities, the need of the hour is to adopt a solution that is simpler and easy to understand by all employees; leaving no scope for errors.

The solution- Tappet Box
The ideal solution, capable of achieving wonders on infra-assets in the given Indian scenario, is now revealed. Here is how Tappet Box addresses each of the above-stated issues:-

  • Custom-made solution for the Indian infra-asset space
  • It takes only 2 minutes per asset per day to deliver best performance
  • Easy workflows and simplified data capture tool for every stakeholder

Now that the above points look after the first aspect of data integrity (data accuracy) let us move to the next: Data Usage. Tappet Box provides you with outstanding Business Intelligence Reports that covers all facets of your infrastructure assets, enabling you to take the most important business decisions in a jiffy
Besides these, various other incredible features that ensure predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance of your assets is also an essential component of the Tappet Box Solution.
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